Since we have OP for every thing why not for infection? It would be a bit easier to survive so the time limit will be like 7 minutes. Donors would get better stuff and XP leveling up would give you stuff too. Here is what I have in mind: Premium: /kit PremiunXp: 3 full levels /kit Premium: Full diamond armour, Protection 1, diamond sword sharpness 3 knockback 2 Sponsor: /kit SponsorXp: 4 full levels /kit sponsor: Full diamond armour, Protection 2, Diamond sword Sharpness 4 knockback 3 You get the pattern Zombies would get full diamond armour no enchants with sharpness 1 diamond sword more added soon
Eh, I think instead of making the OP version of everything we have, we should suggest ideas for new and original games. Besides, the Infection we have now is fine. :3
Here are a few problems: The way you're going, titans and gods will need higher than protection 4 armor to match this setup. If we titans have sharp 10 swords, the zombies will be demolished to quickly. Powerups will have to changed. ^^^Nobody wants rofls to mean enchanted apples. No support.