I think the unarmed on OP Factions should either have its level 250 cap removed or reset the entire skill, because some players have like 800+ unarmed. Now it has been capped you cant get above 250 but people still have it higher. For example lionbdcraft has 1001 unarmed and he can pretty much disarm in 5 hits, but people can't level their skill up for a high iron grip chance, making pvp totally unfair. Tagging OP Faction players @Elric @xSoulHero @Ben Esberger @KilledPvPKing @wbc51702 @froggy615 @KillTMan2000 @Ewan Huxtable
opfacs has been up for a while if you havent gotten high unarmed it simply your fault if you didnt get it up during the months before it was capped. As a person with 605 unarmed i see that its your fault if didnt do it early on in opfacs
Support. It's really unfair to lose a good axe in a fight. By the way I'm an OP Factions player... Could you add me to the list?