Support. Factions was swarmed with people when it reset. If they do the same thing with OPFactions but it goes successfully, a lot of the old players might come back. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) And I have the top axes on there and even I want to have some fun there again ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
no support after the faction reset atleast 12 active players/friends will quit mineverse, this are players that kept mineverse op and regular factions running while very1 abandoned it
I been playing opfactions for the last year and a half, none of there plugins are new. Plus also resets bring popularity. Plus your 12 friends is nothing, scroll threw the pages and look how many people say support. Everyone quit opfactions cause nothing new has happened in the last year and a half.
wnaa know why it hasnt reset? theres no point cause there cant be kits anymore with the EULA so once it comes into full affect op factions will close. unlike normal factions u can make ur armor and sword. in op factions u need kits to have OP factions. unless u just want there to be one kind of armor and that be kit starter with like 2 gapples
Very good points, I made this thread along time ago. This was made before any knowledge of EULA compliance with Minecraft. There is ways they could do opfactions, for example TheArchon is a very popular factions server. There most popular server is factions black which is OP Factions. I'm a big fan of OpFactions and truly hope it will come back one day. Opfactions has been up 1 year 10months almost 2 years, they need to come up with something.
It's not going to reset. Normal factions has reset 3 times before that has reset once. Notice how small the player base on it is? It use to keep at least 30-40 the first year it came out these past months your lucky if you get 10. OP factions has died they did it on purpose. They aren't going to waste their time with it as Mineverse will get shutdown if they add the op kits to it for donors. Theres no way by it, if there is they aren't going to do it for such a small player base.
Opfactions never reset. They also used to have over 50 people a day. If they reset it, it would be more popular then factions I bet.
They arent going to reset it. It's as simple as that. Op factions NEEDS op kits above the normal vanilla enchants. Only way to get this is through kits. I'm sure if they reset it, it would have a good amount of people on it. Look at factions a lot of new players joined that and are enjoying it. They have no need for op factions as only about 10 people still play it. Sure if they would reset it'd have a high amount of players but the only player who would play it are people already in the Mineverse community. They have no reason or need for it as only about 10 player right now truly care for op factions
Of course new people always join on resets. When opfactions came out I remember it at almost 100 people. I never seen factions that amount. Opfaction has always been popular then factions since recently. If you exploed other server you would see that there is ways to make opfactions EULA compliant. If you also played opfactions/knew anyone that played it would definitely come back to it if it reset. Look at all the supports in this thread. I'm sure a lot of people care about opfactions you might not, but a lot of other people do.