Hello everyone!!!!!!! Welcome to my faction recruitment for DiS. We're a powerful helpful factions who're not scared of anyone in combat. Fill this template out for Signing Up. 1. Your in-game name: 2. Age (12+): 3. Donor rank (optional): 4. Power (10/10 needed): 5. Skype (pm) 6. Why do you wish to join? 7. Are you secure that you'll be added to our group chat on skype.
Ally/Truce Template. 1. Fac name: 2. How many people are in your Fac? 3. How much power do you have? 4. Why do you wish to truce?
1. Fac name: -- Contact me.. 2. How many people are in your Fac? About 98 (I think) 3. How much power do you have? 280.. 4. Why do you wish to truce? Yes -- possibly ally.