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  • Global OP Factions And Factions Ideas

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Mega_, Jan 31, 2017.

    1. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      So I saw @Clxrity's thread about Factions and OP Factions Ideas. Here is a link.
      I don't know much about Factions as I haven't been on there in a while. But, I know a lot of ideas that I and many other active players want. This thread is mainly for OP Factions, but can be placed in the same context on factions with edits.

      A Reset

      Both Factions and OP Factions desperately need a reset. I know OP Factions was reset not long ago but it killed the server. Before the reset there was usually at-least 16 people online but now you're lucky if someone else is online with you. Nothing new was added, yes we got firegiants buts that is it. All the other features that were added are broken. Don't give no bs about "It takes time to fix bugs", most server have these bugs fixed within a matter of days. It has been over a month. All the reset did was take away all our stuff and give us a bad, circle map. Honestly the spawn is just horrid. Can the build team actually make us a spawn for once other than downloading them all?

      Rule Changes

      Factions is supposed to be a war like game-mode, the rules shouldn't be as strict as the other game-modes. Firstly, tp trapping/killing should be legal. It's a factions game-mode, this was already a thing but during the reset the rule was removed for some reason. As Cyp said while the rule was legal 'if you accept to tp you're giving consent to die'. Also it's hard to notice if someone will tp trap you. You could be tping to a friend in pvp and die, is that tp killing?

      Secondly, scamming. Scamming should be allowed. As I've already said it's a war like game-mode, in times of war countries aren't always true to what they say. However, this is for in-game trading only. Scamming something from buycraft should still be a ban.

      Thirdly, talking in /f c f or party chat should not be classed as chat violations. There is already no filter in /f c f so reports of someone talking in /f c f should not be accepted. You have the choice to be in that faction, you can /f leave at any moment. You should not be punished for having fun with your friends only for them to get you banned if you fall out later down the line.

      Finally, chat violations. The rules against chat should be more lenient on the factions gamemodes. Factions are some of the most competitive gamemodes on minecraft. Things constantly get heated with betrayals and getting 6v1'd, chat can escalate very quickly.

      Fix The Bugs
      On factions there is many, many bugs. Firstly, obsidian breaker doesn't work. Tnt doesn't blow it up, however creeper eggs don't. Ceggs shouldn't be used to do a full raid, they're supposed to be use to blow up chests not the whole base. (OP) Stop firegiants spawning after a set number are already in the world. If no one kills the firegiants they jut keep spawning, last time I was online there was 76 of them. Also, at times placing creeper eggs don't work. Here is an example I recorded over a year ago and it still hasn't been patched.

      On OP Factions there is huge lag spikes. The large majority of the time the server will never reach above 17 TPS. This makes raiding even harder as it drastically affects redstone timings.


      Firstly, you should be able to use commands while in neutral and enemy land. At the moment you have to type /essentials: ehome. This means that it is really easy to to get stuck as not many player know this. Secondly, allow the ability to use /jump in your factions won land and you are Officer+. Thirdly, enable the use of /tpyes while in pvp. It's annoying getting 4v1'd having to get out of combat to tp your friends. However, the use of this command should not be used while in combat if in enemy land.

      Factions Plugin

      The new factions plugin is just dreadful. This is what causes you to type /essentials: ehome. Go back to the older version or enable us to use commands in enemy/neutral land.

      Allow us to claim more than one area. At the moment you can only claim land if it is connected to your claimed land. This makes base building and raiding much harder. You can only make one huge claim, so only one base. If this is added you can build and claim multiple bases and other projects such as farms. Secondly it makes raiding easier. If you're raiding someone and you already have claimed land you cannot claim your cannon, due to this the people you are raiding can just simply walk to you can claim your cannon.

      Faction warps.
      These allow your factions to use /f warp. They are really useful, it allows multiple warps to be set up. This means you can set up warps in your base in different sections for different people. They can be set with passwords so only certain people can use a certain warp. However, there should be limitations. Only a maximum number of warps set up, such as 15. Also it should cost faction money to set a warp. The cost of this on op factions should be 250k and every warp set after should increase in price by 100-250k. (I don't have a clue about the factions economy that is why I haven't mentioned it)

      Worldgaurd And Border

      The factions worlds should be square. Not a circle. There are a few threads about this. I think I've made two, not quite sure. Having a circle map is not logical for a factions server. The way claiming works is illogical on a circle map. It's hard to claim and it's just a pain to use. Secondly, the boarder should not be calculated in blocks, it should be calculated in chunks. It should be 3750x3750 chunks rather than 60,000x60,000 blocks. This just makes claiming easier too. Finally, it should be blocked off by a barrier wall. Not barrier block. The barrier that looks like this.[​IMG]

      Faction Name Colours

      Being able to change the colour of your faction name would be sweet. There is a more in-depth thread I've made about this Here.

      Stacked Items

      This plugin enables blocks and items which wouldn’t usually stack such as lava buckets and potions. This would be extremely useful for “genning” walls to make huge bases in the end, making the process of building bases considerably lower. Also many people pvp with tons of potions on them, so when they kill someone they can’t pick up the loot and people come along and steal it. You can change the config so for example only positive potions can be stacked, so you don’t have to worry about people running around with 64 splash dmg II pots. Capping the stacked items to stacks of 16 seems like a decent amount. There is a link to the bukkit page Here.​

      Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
    2. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      Shop Prices

      To buy
      Obsidianx64 100k not 150k
      Pumpkin 1k not 12.5k
      Hardened clayx64 20-50k not 100k
      Woolx64 20k not 80k
      Stained Glassx64 20k not 50k
      Spawners take one 0 off of them other than slime.
      Diamond 10k not 15k
      Quarts blockx32 12.5k not 25k
      Enchanted golden apple 10-30k not 60k
      Bookshelfx4 2.5k not 9.5k
      Icex16 10k not 62.5k
      Blazerod 18k not 7.2k
      Lava and water buckets 3.5k not 4k and 8k
      Enderpearlsx8 25k not 50k
      Sugarx64 7k not 2.5k

      To Sell

      Any suggestions please comment below.


      This should be uncapped. The main factor that attracted the most active players, including myself is McMMo. When the unarmed was capped about a year ago, half of the player base quit. Who wants to play a server when someone can just spam unarm you and kill you in a few seconds. McMMo is totally fair. Everyone has the chance to level it up equally. It isn't like /heal that only higher ranks have. Also when all McMMo was capped on factions the player base also drastically dropped just like OP Factions. Uncap McMMo so the game-mode can be fair. The whole point of levelling up McMMo is to gain an advantage, so why is it capped? Getting unarmed constantly is not fun, the only way to prevent it is to get 1000 unarmed or just remove the skill. Also axes, these are the main pvp weapon on these servers. They enable you to shred peoples armour making fights shorter. Secondly, the excavation is broken or something. Before the reset you could get 1k excavation in a few hours but now it takes so much longer.
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
    3. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      Custom Enchant (OP)

      The next idea is custom enchants for on op factions. I'll make this a separate thread and just paste the link in here (once completed) as I feel this is large enough to be it's own separte thread. This is a feature on many factions server and mainly what splits it apart from the rest. There are many different enchants. These can even be made using commands but a plugin will just make it easier. I'll include some enchants I'd personally like to see. The bought with xp in the shop. Clicking a sign and you receive a book with your enchantment. This is OP Factions so xp levels are much easier to come by, one vote party can easily get you 50-150 levels.

      Common: 50 Levels

      Uncommon: 100 Levels

      Rare: 150 Levels

      Mythical: 200 Levels

      Legendary: 350 Levels

      The tier the enchantment falls under is the level enchantment it is. For example, Common is level 1 and Mythical is level 4.
      Name of enchantment

      Mines in a 3x3 Area

      Has a chance to apply the wither effect
      Rare, Mythical, Legendary
      Black Out
      Has the chance to blind the enemy. Enchant level is the potion level,
      Common, Uncommon, Rare
      Life Steal
      Has the chance to take 1 health from your opponent and give it to you. Each enchant level boosts the effect by an extra 1 health
      Common, Uncommon, Rare, Mythical, Legendary


      Permanent strength. Enchant level is the potion effect level. However, this must be placed on at least 3 pieces of armour to work.
      All armour
      Potions have an extended time. Extra 5 seconds per level.


      Health Boost
      Gives you an extra heart of health per level.
      Immunity to the blackout enchant. Permanant nightvision.
      No hunger loss.
      Scuba Diving
      Permanent water-breathing. (Only activates while underwater)




      Permanent Speed. Enchant level is the potion effect level.
      Gives you jump boost. Enchant level is the potion effect level. While on moon the jump boost is increased by 1 and negates fall damage.

      If you have any custom enchant suggestions or name changes please comment them below following the Format.

      Leaving lots of space for future updates. Please don't merge these posts.
      Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
    4. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      Definite Support.
    5. Ertuiop

      Ertuiop Well-Known Member

      Jan 23, 2016
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    6. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      Bumping. Also added Health Boost Enchant.
    7. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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    8. proj

      proj Experienced Member

      Oct 4, 2016
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      Support, sounds dope.
    9. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
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      Support, this would be insanely lit.
    10. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      I agree with all of this except McMMO. In my opinion is totally unfair, it is not fun getting your armor broken in 5 hits because someone has no life and has 3000 axe level. Also someone activating McMMO in combat drops my fps significantly. I'm okay with noncombat skills but the combat skills, especially axes breaks the game. McMMO is the #1 reason why I don't play factions or OP factions.
    11. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
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      mcmmo is one of the main features of all faction servers, y get rid of it??
    12. Surge

      Surge Boss Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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    13. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      Thanks for the support.
      Mcmmo is one of the main features that made everyone love this game-mode so much. When unarmed was capped the player base fell from 80 to about 15. Hopefully uncapping it will bring attract these players back. Also Mcmmo isn't unfair, everyone has equal chance to level it up. Factions is about working hard and grinding to be better than everyone on the server. Secondly, you can just disable fireworks and your fps will be steady when someone activates their ability.
    14. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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