*Invalid Title* - there is 10 hackers, 3 on Op PvP and 7 on Op Factions My ign: TakaMaHeShe Threat - Hackers Hackers -#1 Hotshot_821 -#2 KIKA_K192 -#3 Uchiha_Izuna -#4 Laiserbomb -#5 Tmacweb -#6 Tuba77 -#7 Slickhound115 (Op PvP) -#8 EmGamer01 -#9 traste14 (Op PvP) -#10 lumbax123 (Op PvP) ^ These are in order according to when the hackers are shown in the video. I uploaded the wrong file. This file wasn't 100% edited. Proof - Thanks and sorry for any inconvenience.
Alright, I've banned all the hackers on OPFactions, but not on OPPvP since I do not have perms there. I will tag another moderator with perms on OPPvP to handle the OPPvP Hackers. Thanks for the report. @3yerrt @Badlerner