i would like to ask a request there is always lag and the sever is in-need of a restart at 1:00pm-3:00pm my computers on 24fps and theres still lag!!! the lag really bugged me today and made me try to do something about it because i was pvp'in with my protection IV and sooo come Mr. laggs a-lot he brings a HUGE lag spike and i "pvp logged" when it dissconected me from the sever from lag and guess what I DIED! so my request is to have a sever restart sometime at 1:00 or 2:00am (P.S i am on the east coast timezone in usa so it might be difernt times for some peoples)
Sometimes it's the server, and sometimes it's you're laptop/computer. Can you tell me the specs of you're PC?
Sometimes I feel like the only one that isn't lagging... Anyways, 99% of the time it is client sided. Try the following: -Play with video settings -Get optifine, then play with video settings -Try resetting your router *If known how -Get a better computer
It can be the servers also. All hub servers are like this. They can only hold a limited amount of entities and they are constantly reaching that capacity. The bungee doesn't help with the connection either.
I suggest you get Optifine. I have Optifine and I don't lag much. Optifine gives you more options, zoom and etc. It will boost your FPS. If you change your video settings and turn most things to low, off, you will get maximum FPS depending on your video settings. These are the recommended settings if you have Optifine: Video Settings: Graphics: Fast Render Distance: Tiny Smooth Lighting: OFF Performance: Max FPS 3D Anaglyph: OFF View Bobbing: OFF GUI Scale: Auto Advanced OpenGL: Fast Brightness: Bright Chunk Loading: Smooth or Multi-Core Fog: OFF Fog Start: Default (0.8) Details: Clouds: OFF Cloud Height: OFF Trees: Fast Grass: Fast Water: Fast Rain & Snow: OFF Sky: OFF Stars: OFF Sun & Moon: On Show Capes: On/OFF (doesnt effect fps) Depth Fog: OFF Animations: |ALL ON| Quality: Mipmap Level: OFF Mipmap Type: Nearest Anisotropic Filtering: OFF Antiliasing: OFF Clear Water: OFF Random Mobs: OFF Better Grass: OFF Better Snow: OFF Custom Fonts: On Custom Colours: OFF Swamp Colours: OFF Smooth Biomes: OFF Connected Textures: OFF Natural Textures: OFF Performance: Smooth FPS: On Smooth World: On Load Far: On Pre-Loaded Chunks: OFF Chunk Updates per Frame: 5 Dynamic Updates: On Other...: Lagometer: OFF Debug Profiler: OFF Weather: OFF Time: Anything (only in creative) Full Screen: OFF Full Screen Mode: Default Server Textures: OFF Auto Save: 30min Hope this helps
This program helped me out a lot. If you need help with it I will get you tutorial videos. http://www.razerzone.com/gamebooster
Bloatware. It's not the servers fault you're dropping in FPS, that's an issue with your computer. Update drivers/lower settings.
Sometimes when there are a lot of people on, I receive tons of lag on all the MV servers. I am also not the only one experiencing it, I get complaints from others who are experiencing it also... I know for a fact it's not my computer because when I try to log into other servers, I get no lag.
Yeah sometimes everyone gets a lag spike and everything start lag but i suggest what Blueberry said -.-
I lost full P4 thorns 2 and unbreaking armor with a sharp v sword and fire 2 unbreaking three this is why I dont pvp on prison
It can also be of internet connection and if you are farther away from the server you get a lower ping which results in lag