well the time has come, the greatttttttt ducky has been hacked. yayyyyyy. so much for going for 30k mcmmo lol. well lets get to the point, if you see ducky_puppy on it'd be @Zero_Inzanity as he changed my password and email of course. I might play on alts, I might not. @KrissTheDude1999 pls kick me from the faction. shoutouts: no, none of you are cool. well byeee.
nah, he's changed everything. I can't get it back unless he gives it back which is extremely unlikely. p.s listen to the song while reading.
Can't you use code crackers to get it back? My friend used that to get an alt, then the person got their account back.
Couldn't you have just asked for a permanent ban on your main account to prevent the hacker from continuing?
I never hacked it, He gave me the info and he forgot it. You can even asked @Ducky He called me on Skype and I had to give him the info that he FORGOT