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  • Official Crusaders of Infection

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Scorv, Sep 28, 2016.

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    1. Mr. Friendly

      Mr. Friendly Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Me and the Crusades High-Council men, and Grand Master will discuss your application. Stand by for a response, and good luck!
    2. FastFudgeBalls

      FastFudgeBalls Active Member

      Jun 10, 2016
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    3. FastFudgeBalls

      FastFudgeBalls Active Member

      Jun 10, 2016
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      1. Your in-game name: SlowFudgeBalls
      2. Your age:16 (on October 10th)
      3. Do you adhere to our Rules? Yas, I think.
      4. Your timezone and Infection online time: Pacific, maybe an hour a day?
      Example week:
      Infection> 12:20pm - 1:23pm, Pacific Time
      Kitpvp> 8:52pm - 9:05pm, Pacific Time
      Infection> 9:05pm - 10:22pm, Pacific Time

      Infection> 1:25pm - 2:59, Pacific Time

      Infection> 11:22am - 11:56am, Pacific Time
      Infection> 1:02pm - 1:21pm, Pacific Time
      Infection> 3:49pm - 4:37pm, Pacific Time
      Infection> 7:07pm - 8:22pm, Pacific Time

      Infection> 8:06pm - 9:30pm, Pacific Time
      Infection> 10:28pm - 11:31pm, Pacific Time

      Infection> 10:50pm - 11:36pm, Pacific Time
      Infection> 5:42pm - 6:41pm, Pacific Time

      Infection> 7:03pm - 7:49pm, Pacific Time

      Infection> 1:18pm - 1:39pm, Pacific Time
      Infection> 1:49pm - 2:30pm, Pacfic TIme

      3. Your Prestige level(With proof): 2 :l
      5. Last 3 previous bans, date of the most recent: Don think SlowFudgeBalls has been banned, but check "Fish6y" or "HotFudgeBalls" for the ban dates. (Fish6y is HotFudgeBalls)

      6. Have you ever been banned for hacking?: Yas, different account, long time ago.
      7. Why do you want to join the clan? Please elaborate: Infection is boring kinda I want a reason tp play.
      8. How long have you been playing MV Infection: Since reset.
      9. What's your play style? (Rofler, Hider, Camper, combinations, etc) Often a camper, but I rofl now that I have the elite kit, hide on some maps.
      10. Your skype name(Mandatory): SlowFudgeBalls (I will ask you to prove your identity to me.)
      Last edited: Sep 30, 2016
    4. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      Nice clan, good work. I'd join but I like the freedom of terrorising everyone on Infection. ;)
    5. hungryg4d

      hungryg4d Active Member

      Sep 30, 2016
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      1. Your in-game name: HungryG4D
      2. Your age: 16
      3. Do you adhere to our Rules? Yes.
      4. Your timezone and Infection online time: PST. Mostly on the weekends but play on weekdays occasionally.
      3. Your Prestige level(With proof): Hi.png
      5. Last 3 previous bans, date of the most recent. (We will check) Never banned.
      6. Have you ever been banned for hacking? (We will check) n/a
      7. Why do you want to join the clan? Please elaborate. Been playing on Infection a lot. Might as well get to know people. Joining would make playing more enjoyable.
      8. How long have you been playing MV Infection? Last month or two, after the last reset.
      9. What's your play style? (Rofler, Hider, Camper, combinations, etc) Camper/Rofler
      10. Your skype name(Mandatory): Pina Han
    6. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
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      Your in-game name:
      Your age:
      Do you adhere to our Rules?
      Your timezone and Infection online time:
      My timezone is Australian Western Standard Time (AWST)
      I can be on for at lest an hour every day during the week, my times vary depending on how busy I am. I am online a large amount on the weekends.
      Your Prestige level(With proof):
      P4, minechat is all I have access to at the moment. I can provide a proper screenshot when I get back from my holidays but I have no reason to photoshop this evidence.
      Last 3 previous bans, date of the most recent. (We will check)
      Death wishes, I do not have an exact date but it was several months ago. My account at the time was not secure and I was not the one who said it.
      Have you ever been banned for hacking? (We will check)
      Why do you want to join the clan? Please elaborate.
      Infection, It's my favourite gamemode on mineverse, it is what brought me to mineverse and it was the beginning of a large amount of my friendships. Something I have been looking for for a while now is an Infection clan that will be able to stay together longer than a month. Since Infection is a very different gamemode to all the others it is a very hard gamemode to maintain a clan on. I have faith that this clan will last and that it has amazing potential. I have been a part of a few clans in the past and they are amazing opportunities to meet new people, something I enjoy doing greatly. Infeciton, being a gamemode where it is so much fun to play around with your friends I see this clan as an amazing opportunity to do so.
      How long have you been playing MV Infection?
      Since very early 2014.
      What's your play style? (Rofler, Hider, Camper, combinations, etc)
      I am usually a Rofler because I find that the most enjoyable but when I only need a few more levels to rank up I will be a hider/camper.
      Your skype name(Mandatory):
      Scorvix has it.​
    7. AesirHelixz

      AesirHelixz Active Member

      Aug 27, 2016
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      can I be in two clans xD
    8. NeonSlimer

      NeonSlimer Active Member

      Aug 30, 2016
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      1. Your in-game name: NeonSlimer
      2. Your age: 14
      3. Do you adhere to our Rules? Yes.
      4. Your timezone and Infection online time: Monday to Thursday: 1-3 hours Friday and Sunday: 2-5 hours Saturday: 3-6 hours Edit: Timezone is AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
      3. Your Prestige level(With proof): Prestige 1, Level 107 http://imgur.com/gallery/TbCVG

      5. Last 3 previous bans, date of the most recent. (We will check)
      6. Have you ever been banned for hacking? (We will check)

      Ok, so of my memory, I've only been banned once. This was of Staff Impersonation, where I used color code to put my name infront of a moderator tag. This was only a joke, and wasn't to trick anyone, but even though it happened recently, I've learned from my mistake. I may have been banned more, as I've been playing for a long time (With a large break). Also, I do not remember the date but it was a couple weeks back.

      7. Why do you want to join the clan? Please elaborate.

      I want to join the clan, because I love to work as a team, and with my current teammates, we always help each other out, and give the person who needs it most the level for last man standing, however I aren't teamed with many people, and being teamed with a lot of helpful players will really help my skills improve, but also my friendships with many people on ther server.

      8. How long have you been playing MV Infection?
      I'm not sure of the original time, but I came back quite recently maybe 1 and a half or 2 months to playing infection again, and I'm addicted.

      9. What's your play style? (Rofler, Hider, Camper, combinations, etc)
      Well, it depends. If there are a lot of high prestiges on I will hide and avoid all zombies, and if there are a lot of players on, but not high prestiges, I will camp and fire at them with my bow. However, if there are, say, 10 people on, all no prestiges or 2 or under, I may get into a good position and get a lot of rofls.

      10. Your skype name(Mandatory):
      I may be denied for this one reason but... I have skype. I will give it out and I will message, but being 14 living with parents (I know it sucks) they don't want me "calling strangers". I guess it's fair enough, as I yell a lot with my headset. (It cancels out so much noise) Anyway, my skype name is *******. Any random people who add me, will most likely be denied, unless they ask first. I can message on skype, but not go in call with voice/face.

      I edited out my skype name. If Im accepted, PM me for it.
      Last edited: Oct 1, 2016
    9. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Both of you guys have been Accepted! :) You will be momentarily added to our Clan Chat.
    10. Mr. Friendly

      Mr. Friendly Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Congratulations! You have been accepted into the Clan! Please stand by for further details.
    11. Ordi

      Ordi Mythical Member Premium

      Apr 23, 2014
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      I am late to do this.
      Congratulations! You've been accepted to our clan. Please wait for further details.
    12. Remierik

      Remierik Active Member

      Aug 7, 2016
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      1. Your in-game name: Remierik
      2. Your age: 16
      3. Do you adhere to our Rules? Yes
      4. Your timezone and Infection online time: Timezone: Central, my online time is around an hour or two per day
      3. Your Prestige level(With proof): http://imgur.com/a/f94E3
      5. Last 3 previous bans, date of the most recent. (We will check) None
      6. Have you ever been banned for hacking? (We will check) Never
      7. Why do you want to join the clan? Please elaborate. I have been told by some friends to join therefore I am here and I also think it would be a great experience interact with new people.
      8. How long have you been playing MV Infection? Since the summer of this year (2016)
      9. What's your play style? (Rofler, Hider, Camper, combinations, etc) I don't exactly have a style I mostly go along with what I feel like doing (usually depends on map) but if I must answer the question then I would say rofler.
      10. Your skype name(Mandatory): Remierik1224
    13. Istealyourkill

      Istealyourkill Experienced Member

      May 4, 2016
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      I'd apply but I'm a p1 skrub on infection and some of those questions seem unnecessary..
    14. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      1. Your in-game name: Almma
      2. Your age: 14
      3. Do you adhere to our Rules? Indeed.
      4. Your timezone and Infection online time: AEST. Well I usually play up to 2 hours a day on infection, right now I'm banned though waiting for my perms to be removed.
      3. Your Prestige level(With proof): Yeah I don't have a level, I was P5 with like 300 levels on the od infection, but I was too busy with mod to ever rankup.
      5. Last 3 previous bans, date of the most recent. (We will check) No infection bans, no previous bans except for perm removal.
      6. Have you ever been banned for hacking? (We will check) Yes on kitpvp, back in 2014 by Pile.
      7. Why do you want to join the clan? Please elaborate. I want to join the clan because in my opinion, a clan environment makes the game more enjoyable. It's fun to be able to join the round knowing you're going to have a great time with friends.
      8. How long have you been playing MV Infection? Almost 3 years.
      9. What's your play style? (Rofler, Hider, Camper, combinations, etc) It really depends on the map tbh.
      10. Your skype name(Mandatory): If I get accepted I'll happily give it to you. Although Scorvix might already have it.

      PS: Scorvix knows I can play infection ;p
    15. WhyteDuck

      WhyteDuck Boss Member

      Apr 3, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Your in-game name:


      Your age:

      14, 15 in December 18th.

      Do you adhere to our Rules?


      Your timezone and Infection online time:

      GMT +8; I can be on for an hour if I'm free

      Your Prestige level:

      Prestige 1, Level 79

      Have you ever been banned for hacking?


      Why do you want to join the clan?

      I would like to join the clan because it would be more fun. I will able to make more new friends and of course socialise more. It would be great to have teammates who can back me up.

      How long have you been playing MV Infection?

      7 months

      What's your play style?

      I usually main on my bow and camp. :p

      Your Skype name?:

      I'll inform you if I'm accepted :3
    16. Amori

      Amori Experienced Member

      Dec 28, 2015
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      Good luck for your clan
    17. Sound

      Sound Well-Known Member

      Nov 8, 2013
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      1. Your in-game name: Xrosmage

      2. Your age: 15

      3. Do you adhere to our Rules? To an extent I'm not gonna let the highest level get the level why should it work like that shouldn't you be trying to help others out???

      4. Your timezone and Infection online time: 0 I have not been on in 3 months or so

      3. Your Prestige level(With proof): I had over 3k levels on the old infec this is the only screenshot I could find of my levels on this account Screen Shot 2016-10-15 at 10.48.21 pm.png

      5. Last 3 previous bans, date of the most recent.
      (We will check) Never

      6. Have you ever been banned for hacking?
      (We will check) Yes

      7. Why do you want to join the clan? Please elaborate. I might start playing infection again and I'll take back the rank 1 spot

      8. How long have you been playing MV Infection? about 3 years if I'm correct mineverse came
      out February 2013

      9. What's your play style? (Rofler, Hider, Camper, combinations, etc)

      10. Your skype name(Mandatory): Deleted Skype discord is better anyways.

      I highly doubt I will be accepted anyways I personally don't care me and Scorvix have beef anyways
      Last edited: Oct 16, 2016
    18. Ordi

      Ordi Mythical Member Premium

      Apr 23, 2014
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      There was a reset...
    19. Sound

      Sound Well-Known Member

      Nov 8, 2013
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      I realise I might play again right now I'm like level 50 or 30 something
    20. Dev

      Dev Experienced Member

      Nov 25, 2016
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