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  • Offenders (Before I leave 2)*Language*

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by New Atlus, Dec 17, 2014.

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    1. New Atlus

      New Atlus Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      I didn't need to give it much thought about this. Of course, I'm sure this title must have attracted some mods or gossip girls about who's reporting who. Hate to break it to you, but I'm only saying what's on my mind, so this is no report. This will serve as part 2 of 5. Be careful about this language, it gets worse toward the end.
      Offenders, or report-ees or whatever are one of the main reasons Mineverse is here. Maybe some angry 4-year old got pissed at some guy scamming or hacking. When people in the forums find they've been reported for reasons like 'hacking' 'scamming' 'rate farming'. First, let me talk about forum bans.
      Not too long ago, I just saw a report about this smug- guy acting all hot when reporting someone who was supposedly rate-farming. Hell, let's say Joe hates Mike. Joe might constantly like all of Mike's comments so everyone'd think that Mike's rate-farming thus getting him banned when he tries to say he has no idea what happened. When Mike tries to make an appeal or something and goes all sarcastic on a mod's it could maybe be because Mike didn't like how some random- guy framed him.
      Now something else. A friend of mine got banned for like three days just cause she wasn't up to date with the website's rules. Maybe she didn't know she could post on reports, so what? I tried making an appeal for her by quoting her in Skype and all a mod did was just say, "wait it out."
      I know mods and people can check URLs to find alts, but it makes me feel violated when someone's checking into some personal stuff like that. Now it's time to talk about in-game reports.
      A bunch of over-competitive 4-year olds might get easily pissed at a place like this. Buy Titan, get OP, kill others who don't want to spend money on that crap. I remember this one time during infection when I saw everybody block glitching to get some place. All the Titans went there and they were just being complete douchenozzles and blocking everyone from coming up. Maybe I want to be safe and hit zombies with a bow from a safe distance while they try to get me. Is that reason enough to block someone on your team from joining you? There's survival in numbers!! I'm just sitting there trying to get up and I'm thinking, 'MOVE IT, FACE!'. But that's when I realize it's pretty much cheating. With airstrikes, OP s sacrificing the 'noobs who don't want to spend money', and a bunch of flaming arrows flying everywhere and zombies going ape- just wondering how to win this just makes me stop and wonder, what is WRONG with infection? I'm more than sure I can find more than just those reasons I mentioned.
      Infection isn't the main game I used to play though. As some of you may notice, I was a pro at parkour. I don't want to go into detail cause I'd just end up bragging or something so let me keep it simple. Lag. Hacks. Excuses.
      Need details? Okay, whatever. Craploads of people online. Completed people bragging about how people stuck on level 2, which actually was hard, can't do . Lag occurring every now and then and people going ape- about how far they got and their final jump was ruined by lag.
      Most of all- HACKERS. They deny when they hack and make a huge deal out of it. I saw this guy standing at the base of a ladder and IN AN INSTANT, WHEN EVERYTHING STOPS, HE JUST LEVITATES TO THE TOP! I'm like, whoa there buddy. Nice gravity-defier you got there. He's all like 'I didn't do anything'. and acts like he doesnt know what I'm talking about. 2 minutes later, he says 'It was lag.' He just admitted it but blamed it on something that lasted not only one second. He couldn't have even gotten that far up in one second, even if lag puts him back where he should be instead of where he started! As Billy Mays says, 'Oh, but that's not all!' I NEED A ING VIDEO TO GET THAT FACE OUT OF HERE! WHAT, YOU THINK I ING RECORD EVERY SECOND SO THAT I CATCH WHEN SOMEBODY HACKS IN LESS THAN 30 SECONDS? This was pretty much the main reason I wanted to be mod, so I didn't need to record a video or at spam my screenshot button, I could get rid of that assdick instantly!
      Hell, screenshot buttons are bullshit too! They lag every time you take a picture so by the time you get a picture of someone climbing, they're done climbing and the picture just looks like that person just jumped on a wall or some ! I KNOW FOR A FACT THE MODS KNOW THOSE BISCUITS HACKED, BUT THEY JUST SAY "OOOH NO, I NEED MORE EVIDENCE!" WHAT MORE COULD YOU NEED? IF SOMEONE TOOK THE TIME TO REPORT A HACKER, IT OBVIOUSLY MEANS THEY HACKED! WHAT, YOU NEED A DIAGRAM OR SOME TO SEE HOW HARD IT IS FOR US, THE PEOPLE, TO CATCH PEOPLE HACKING? BEING A COMMONER ING SUCKS!
      Some mods or 'hacks' aren't even that bad, either. I almost got banned on some server cause some dude reported me cause I had this Iron Man mod installed. What, you think it makes my skin Iron Man and makes me fly everywhere? NO! LOOK THE DAMN THING UP AND FIND OUT! YOU GO ON CREATIVE IN SINGLEPLAYER, YOU CRAFT IRON MAN ARMOR AND YOU FLY IN IT! IN SINGLE PLAYER! IF SOMEONE CLEARLY STATES THE MOD THEY HAVE ON, AT LEAST HAVE THE DECENCY TO LOOK IT UP AND WHAT IT DOES BEFORE ACCUSING SOMEONE OF IT!
      Hell, I'm very sure some 4-year old went ape- on some guy's cause this guy got what seemed to be a harmless retard-mode mod. So what, they want to make their head roll everywhere. Is that something worthy to ban a guy over?
      If you're offended, sorry. I clearly put "watch out for the language" IN RED. This concludes part 2 of 5. Mods can lock this if you want, but I just want you to know that if you just read this from beginning to end, I'm happy. Till next time.
      Last edited: Dec 18, 2014
    2. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      Rates dumb: First of all mods still have to record when they see hackers. When your a mod you can't just ban players without having evidence to back it up or you get reported for abuse. Second this should have been made in the rants section as well your ranting. Third we all have to deal with the titans and such and like you said most are little 4-year old who stole their parents credit cards to get the rank. Fourth your language shows your immaturity as you could have used more "kind" words to describe the infidels of the server. Also this server is international this server is void from your american first amendment rights, as you agreed to give those up by signing up with this server and agreeing to the terms and services.
    3. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      So your point of the thread is? No one really cares what you think about the server, nor does anyone care about anyone else's opinions of the server. Plus, if you wanted to rant 5 times, you could've just posted it under in the comments after the first thread you had made. Instead you're taking up thread space.
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
    4. Jen

      Jen Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      What Jarroy said... Exactly right.
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    5. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      I care, Theres no need to speak for the whole community when you write something.

      As for you New Atlus, I know exactly where you're coming from. Good on you.
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    6. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      Good FOR you. You don't need to synthesis with a person who just wants to seek attention. He's trying to get people to feel pity and beg for his annoyance to stay. Its also quite nice that he has decided to leave as his language is quite immature and his troll characteristics have not been wanted since he started displaying them.
    7. Creepersteam

      Creepersteam Experienced Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      Damn, the language man. Damn.

      Someone ban this guy. He's throwing F-bombs and swearing everywhere :eek::t:
    8. Ohmic

      Ohmic Legendary Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      Why would someone 'like' another person's post if he despises him/her? Rules are rules, deal with them.

      Again, the rules must be enforced no matter what. This is the reason why you have to check every rule before you enter or start anything, quite similar to reading terms of conditions. Temp forum bans are not appealable. Therefore, you need to wait them out.

      I doubt any current moderators have the access to check IPs anymore (assuming ScoFu probably has perms to check), but other than that, no.

      You thought as a moderator, you could simply ban people without evidence? Lol. You still need to log the ban.

      Screenshots are quite useful in some cases. And of course, you can't capture every hack with screenshots.
      On the contrary, screenshots aren't the best in some cases. If a moderator deems a report to have insufficient evidence, then it's obviously invalid on their Point of View. However, that's why there's a staff team, they are supposed to work together as a team. Thus, working together to see if the report is valid or invalid. Simple.

      And going on your "First Amendment" part, some players on this server aren't even American nor live in the United States of America.
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    9. Skillbill63

      Skillbill63 Experienced Member

      May 9, 2014
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      Well I feel like that's a bit biased.
      People are allowed to express their opinion if you like it or not. That's why it's on the discussion section so people can discuss their thoughts and feelings from different points of view.
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