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  • Odd One Out

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by bnraiff, Feb 26, 2015.

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    1. bnraiff

      bnraiff Well-Known Member

      May 12, 2014
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      Hello, I'm bnraiff, an on/off Mineverse user and professional airhead. Recently, I have turned to Teenage years old. What i have to say, is that i loved the party, the presents were nice and i got nice birthday cash. But now as i stroll along my online adventures, i realize there are some people my age that make me ashamed to be one among them. There are so many too, it makes me feel like the <title>. Here's me ranting about kids roughly my age being idiots, jerks, or both.

      Be warned, I'm going to curse a few times, so if you don't want your jimmies to be rustled or to be offended, just leave.

      Article 1. Poor Old Person

      Seriously, what's so funny about this you you pushed that poor woman into the ground and you run off as that poor woman struggles to get off with the cheekiest face giggling. also your cameraman has awful camera-holding skills.

      Article 2. A deer, a deer, a female deer.

      This is a wild fawn, baby deer. Away from it's parents, leashed up in the arms of a douche.

      It's not like i have a massive 2 gigabyte file about these but i have one last thing- a personal experience.

      Arthur, come on. The one with black hair. You lying, property destructive person. I asked him what games he had. Far Cry 3? seems legit. TF2? no? oh, the latest CoD. Then i kept asking him, and he said he had every game i asked. Then i asked if he had a PlayStation. "Yeah man my dad works at PlayStation i got to beta test a PS4" He said 3 months before PS4 launch. At this point the B.S. alarms were flailing, so i asked him this: "Do you own half-life 3". He said yes, and never has a liar made me feel so satisfied. I said "No you don't and left. I always ask new people i meet this. If they lie about owning something, they probably lie else where. My now main-man Oliver is the stuff. He was honest, ant to this day he is. Cheers to him.

    2. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      lol the first one its a young man dressed up as an old lady the wig on his head moves. and with the faun you can domesticate them alot of people in the northern regions of the USA and canada do it.
    3. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      I wish you stayed here.
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