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  • Odd change in chat?

    Discussion in 'Help' started by Acii, Oct 13, 2014.

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    1. Acii

      Acii Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2014
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      So there was a guy in the chat that typed -> retard] Hi and I was very offended. I've been explaining to people all over mineverse and other servers, being retarded is not a joke and the word should not be used as a joke. Many people understand how it could hurt somebody's, with mental disabilities, or somebody mentally retarded specifically, feelings. After alerting somebody that said -> retard] Hi in the chat that the disability was no laughing matter, they explained to me how they didn't type it on purpose, the chat just automatically changed to it, they told me to try in the chat, when I did, I was very offended and angered when I found out he was telling the truth. I don't know if this is a hack, or some sick joke from the staff, but by me working with mentally disabled kids at school and having a 2 year old mentally-retarded brother at home, I do believe this should be taken down immediately. If the staff is annoyed by this, they should use the PwnFilter like they do with the word bored. I am very disappointed that the game would come down to a point so low to where a serious disability is used as a joke.

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    2. SlowPot

      SlowPot Well-Known Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      Yeah i think this is the rong section to put this in please move to reports please. thanks
    3. Glaadiator

      Glaadiator Boss Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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      That was you, and you already made a report on this.

      Sorry you felt this way about the word, I will try to see what I can do.
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