okay grayson banned me from kitpvp 3 hours yesterday at 4 30 i was supposed to be unbanned at 8 30 but this after non after school it said wait 18 more hours
you have been hit by the banning glitch, im sorry but youll probably have to wait until it gets fixed :(
either something is wrong with your unban time and youll have to ask another mod, or you will have to wait a while to get unbanned
There currently a glitch with unbanning. When we accept, we go in and unban. Don't think he didn't, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. You need to meet him in the lobby or any mod to get it worked out. I'm currently at work.
I would help but I get kicked from kitpvp on minechat every time I join, if it were another game mode if be able to from work. Sorry
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