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  • NordicUniverse Advertisers are back - @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by KingSize, Jun 23, 2015.

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    1. KingSize

      KingSize Experienced Member

      May 5, 2015
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      ^ In my timezone where no mods are online.
    2. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      This is somewhat like the same case as the Ari, and I think use of ari in a word should come back because when I ask my friend 'You're wearing my armour?' for example, it turns out as 'You're we***ng my armour?' And a red message at the bottom telling me to watch my language... Um? I do understand that this is for less spam purposes, but it's really a bit annoying...?

      I think Cyp or Crew should disable chat in the Lobby and maybe add a plugin where to be able to chat in Lobby you have to add a friend who has to add you back to message them, vice versa.

      Perhaps some global mod or a mod in general can join their server and warn them and take note of their players' names and we as the Mineverse Community Players can help to watch out for these guys? I mean at least I am willing to.

      New problem:
      @KingSize I experience that too, but it's not funny how sometimes my screen acts up and I just C A N ' T take a screenie D: :'( I guess at my timezone very little mods are online, and on Survival especially there are times where in 3 hours there are no mods who come online staying for a minimum of 5 minutes or maybe at most 7 minutes...
      GMT + 8.00, around Asia, or to be specific, Southeast Asia.
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