Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure asking for likes to then give something Is rate farming, and you would receive an infraction. But I see you are privately giving the information away. I have seen someone get a warning for something like this before. Could a mod determine if this is a ratings farm. @Dontchallengeme @larrythebird101
My pack (personally) is better as its a default edit made for PvP and not lag. (I have this texture pack and it causes me 40FPS drop, normal FPS: 180 Using this pack: 50) If you'd like I can link my pack and you call can see what it looks like I won't make a "20 likes for my laggy pack!" thread either. Just would like credit if used on YouTube. Thanks for reading! ~ Shovel-man-person-thing
well I'm guessing that my pack is made for more beefy pc's. cause i get 150-250fps average with this pack on max settings, i mean Obviously, the more detailed the pack is, the more cpu-demanding it is
I can run any other pack on YouTube at 100+ FPS besides your pack. I mean its nice but most people on Mineverse struggle with FPS problems so I suggest releasing a pack meant for people with bad computers. Check out my packs and maybe we can get on TS together and make an edit together.
btw, my pack shouldn't be very laggy(maybe the custom sky will drop some frames) . The file is less than 30 mb, and it's based off of 32-64x textures. so something might be wrong with your mc lol