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  • Survival NightOpRC02 Inappropriate Language/Harassment [Larry][Tempbanned]

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by MrScooby_, Oct 7, 2015.

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    1. MrScooby_

      MrScooby_ Active Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      1. My ingame name is Scoobyperfect24.
      2. The offender's ingame name is NightOpRC02
      3. The rule he broke again was disrespect. And I thought he was warned, but it appears warning this player has no effect. He started off by messaging me calling me inappropriate names such as "baby" and "babe". After this I see him type In the chat to other players disrespectful stuff too! He targeted a lot of other players too. I am really tired of seeing this player disrupt the peaceful community on Mineverse. Warning him has done nothing and has made him just get more hostile and rude to us. And how come he is still even able to get on the survival server. There is no way I am the only one reporting this player, I don't understand how he is still allowed to make fun of us and is still not either banned or prohibited from playing on the survival server. Before it was just him griefing my stuff(which he wasn't punished for ) now its personal.
      4. I am happy to state I have plenty of screenshots.

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    2. larrythebird101

      larrythebird101 Boss Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned.
      This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
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