I see two single posts after another but they’re a day apart. I’ll watch out for it though, thank you so much for looking out for me <3 Oh no, I’ll be more mindful and look out for it.
Thanks for the feedback! Haha, Thank you so much for the support! It means a lot and I really appreciate it. I'm on every single day..
For someone applying for mod I find it kinda weird how you haven't even joined all of the gamemodes of the server you're wanting to moderate for yet.
Swift, I feel you dig up whatever you can to try and make me look bad. I have reached out to you about this before but you just completely try to shut me down by being rude. Your facts are wrong. 100% wrong. Nicylas is my newest account. I have played on all game modes under the name Nicy. You would know that if you took the time to read my app Nevertheless, thanks for the feedback! I've asked you to please stop trying to attack people on this thread. Thank you!
I took the time to read it. You referred to it as if it were a previous name, not a separate account. You also only added the namemc to Nicylas. He’s not being rude. If you wouldn’t make a good moderator, he should show that to others to sway opinions. Changing to no support.
No support, you no supported my application as soon as I no supported yours, you seem childish and was toxic in-game to me so that's why I no supported.
Thanks for the feedback! OP PvP is a PvP oriented server (hence the name.) Every time I kill you, you lash out at me and say hurtful things that some people may find offensive. When you no supported my app, it reminded me that you too were applying for the position of moderator. I then no supported you due to toxicity! Have a nice day
Why do you respond to everything that has nothing to do with you but anyway this is pretty toxic/childish response in my opinion for someone applying for moderator. If you don't agree that's fine but it's not worth a response as this isn't your application.
I don't see what is wrong with this... I believe there was a cheater under spawn. You seem very mad. I have asked you several times to stop attacking people on this thread. Please respect it