Neutral. If everyone that had this at a specific rank. Eg: VIP+ , then when you hit tab, is will show up with all these nicknames (long or short) and then it will make peoples fps drop by a lot (if they have a bad computer). Also reasons stated above
No support. Sure It'd be cool to have a nickname but some people could abuse this by constantly changing it or even having something very inappropriate. They could also change there name to someone's ign.
No support :( sorry This is because it might clog up chat, and be hard to report people. Also, the lag! Our community is too big, i think :( Good luck!
No support. There would be possible reports of inappropriate nicknames and impersonation, which no one really wants.
True. No support. But I want to at least be able to change the colour of my name. That would be cool, and it wouldn't be as problematic.
That is like nothing, It's same as clan, rank and name I support this if there would be a cooldown on the command.