so fdor my suggestoin for the server is nick names,if you want to have a nick name you do /nick (nick name).the reason why i think nick names should be added is because it makes the user more unique and it should be for elite+,and plus it make room to type something in role play on creative
No Support. My main reason is because of the over extended names flooding chat, and staff impersonation. There has already been suggestions about this exact topic.
^ No Support. Also, players could do /nick randomplayer101 and say death threats to get that player banned.
There must be something before the nick like ~iAmori Also everyone should get access to do /realname (nickname) Support
No support. I think that this would be too much of a unfair thing. I mean that around half of the entire active Mineverse population (or something like that) are donators... This would be really unfair towards those who paid more originally to get this feature.
Support if the /nickname is for God ranked and above because we spent over 100+ dollars to get this rank. And if people just spend 5 $ that's bs. If not no support
There's a command to see people's real ign, its /realname (nickname) Also when you put a nickname, there must be something like ~ before your name
Uegh, adding /nickname would just add another step of gathering evidence when banning, muting, kicking, or even reporting. Even though not all Elites and up will be using this perk, you'll still need to /realname them when gathering proof because essentials isn't the greatest. If someone's /seen doesn't work (e.g: it's saying "Player not found" even though they've actually joined the server) you can do /nickname and their exact in-game name. Not to mention if they do have a /nickname you still need to /realname them. Not sure if moderators have /socialspy or not, but it'll be even harder catching /nick abusers if they don't. It's a cool perk, don't get me wrong, it'll just become tedious when you need to make a report or gather evidence for punishing - especially for a huge server like this. Going to go for no support.
No support because people will possibly make it rude and inappropriate also if you have a nick name mods won't know you real name also other reason stated above Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk