I think that we should add /nick as a privilege to donors. I know this can present a problem, but it won't be like hypixel's nick, where it changes your rank, skin, and name. This nick shouldn't change the skin or rank, but it can change the name. If this becomes a thing, then we should add this mark ---> ~ before the name to signify that this person is nicked. /nick title will change your title and (optional) title color. However, when nicking a title, we should ban words like "Owner," "Moderator," "Developer," and "Admin." Furthermore, we should probably add the power to remove /nick (if it's possible) from people who are abusing it (if that's even possible). Anyways, please consider adding this to the game, as I believe it will help some people who think their rank isn't worth it to think otherwise.
If this were to be added, which donor group(s) would get the command? I don't think it's a bad idea, but I do think there should be a cooldown if possible.
I have experienced this on a server before. Chaotic. I will tell you it is not easy lol. It gets out of hand. Knowing this server, its going downhill, people abuse everything and then having this. It would be a good idea on an organized server, but not here. No Support, sorry.
Alex, I think that only MVP and anything above that should be able to use this, and yes, I think there should probably make a 12 hour cooldown. And Candyyy, I understand that this can lead to disastorous things, but hopefully staff can create something that will help with organizing it more.
Lots of support to this idea, but I agree God and Titan should have it, and maybe make it an available vote prize, just a thought.
Support, although I think this could be a good feature for only Titan to have. It's the highest rank and is worth 2x as much as God. Atm, God and Titan have basically the same perms A cool down would also be needed. I also think it would be cool if the original name shows when hovering over the nickname in chat