Hey guys i wanted to know if there should be a new kit for kitpvp it should be like /kit pvp and you should get atleast get diamond so the noobies can try to kill p4 peeps thx pls leave a like!!!
Yes, Support. But give it like a 30-50min refresh or KitPvP will become OpPvP and OpPvP will become OpPvP+ and I dun wan dat to happen.
Support, with rly long cool down, 1 hour or more!! (I would personally say more like2-3 hrs, because it can make kitpvp to OP...
Neutral, we need new kits because the current ones are so weak and outdated but I don't like the idea of having diamond for a starter player. If we did that the server would start to slowly merge OP-PVP
No support. That's too OP, and I'd like the hackers to be easy to kill. The hackers is floating everywhere
No support sorry, When people donate they should have access to diamond equipment or by purchasing it with ingame money. There is a reason people donate to the server. Sorry if you disagree but if anyone had access to it then it would be a less op version of op pvp