I remember the first day I saw you join forums. I thought you disliked me and all of the staff. I didn't really pay attention, so I just continued doing my job. Even though I thought something else about you, I was wrong. I saw a whole different point of view from you. You're a really nice and friendly person to talk to. You've been so supportive to me, which I appreciate very much from you. Hope we can continue on and being more better along the way. Really great friend here. I just remember you a lot as I have a head of you from KitPvP. :> You were a good moderator as you were very active in KitPvP. I really miss moderating with you, but I hope to see you soon in the staff team. I love you a lot ducky. Your inspiration towards people is a really great influence to others. You're always in a positive attitude which shows that you have dedication in doing many things. You're a really great moderator here, so keep up the good work. I hardly talk to you so I can't say much about you. I really like your profile picture a lot. I look into moderating with you. All the time when I see your food, it makes me hungry. Keep following your dreams into what you want to be. Don't let nothing stop you from accomplishing that. You seem like a really nice person. I believe we have the same name irl. :> I really miss our old conversations that we used to have. You're a really magnificent person in general. I really like talking to more and I hope we can do it more often. I miss you being a moderator. Didn't really have a long time to moderate with you. I remember the old days in Infection that we used to have all the time. Hope we talk more soon. You're a really chill and cool person. We should talk more often. ;) I remember when we barely started talking. We should keep that up more constantly. Seem like a really nice guy, so I hope to know you more better. I think we haven't really had a proper conversation yet. We should talk more often. I knew you since way back. I remember the times we moderated together, and I will never forget that. Hope to see you more often here to see how things turn out. I really want to moderate with you all the time. You're active in-game and on forums. All those reports really help out a lot for us. You're a really friendly and nice person. Hope to see you in the staff team soon. <3 I haven't talked to you a lot. We should talk more. I remember the first day you were promoted. Glad I could help you along the way in your first weeks. Keep continuing your job and make me proud. ;) You've changed a lot since I've known you. I really like the new you. It's really nice seeing a change from someone into someone else. I hope we get to talk more often and have a better status between us. PRONOUNCE BAE. I really like talking to you in-game and on forums. Hope we talk more often and wish to see you in the staff team. <3 Thanks for helping me in my hw. ;t I remember the days when we hated each other's guts. Those days were very crazy. That is now in the past, and hope to see better results that before. I haven't really had a proper discussion with you. I need to know more from you to say something explanatory. I know you report many people constantly, which is greatly appreciated.