Hello everybody, I know I'm PermBanned, but I still want to help Mineverse out. In the shop you should add an Unban (You get 1 ONLY) Ticket it should be $30 for hackers, $25 for scammers, $10 Warnings, And $15 For TpTrapping, last but not least everything else should be $5. I know this is dumb because hackers can come back ONCE without waiting. If there are more moderators and better Mods. Not saying Mineverse's mods are not good, you can ban them again if you catch them. They lose there money from hacking and they have to wait there ban. Also Hacking should be 4 Weeks Ban, Scamming, TpTrapping also because they are the most common. And the rest should stay the same. This part is for NoobCrew and Cyp, your Anti Cheat for Mineverse needs to improve so many fly hackers are flying because the Anti Cheat can't Program the hacked clients like Pandora. Improve it so people can't hack and it will be hard for them. Last but not least make like when people advertise make a plugin that they can't type Mineverse()com (But When They Type A Diffrent Server Mineverse.Com should be aloud to say) Make it so they can't even say (Server Name) (com, net, org, etc) with a space between the 2 Sections. Thank you for your time Mineverse and Please add this to help the server. Sincerely, Molanq & Destroyer1121 :D <3 ;-) ;)