I like doing this rps for the cringe/ when I'm bored :P I don't think it should be done in public chat and when I do see someone doing that I usually tell them to go to plot chat. This is not nearly bad enough for a mute at all though so no support.
Neutral, I think a warning should be better. I also think that it should be only if they spammed it, as stated by @Bexrs.
Support, though honestly I don't see a lot of actual rp's, only ads for them which I think are fine. If people are role-playing in public chat it'd be enough to warn them or mute for a few minutes so they know to use /plot chat.
Neutral. Reasons Stated: ^ Just report any spam.^ ^^Support^^ This if far less harsh than outright mutes. It also informs players that there is a /p chat available, so they can't say "I didn't know" and get away with it. Also, this suggestion is great for 'stopping' spam-bots (Technically, it just isolates their messages to the spawn plot, but it's better than spamming the global chat).