ok u want me to give a reason? i no supported because, some people dont know the applicants, so they can't really give any feedback. And having this count as post farming would be super dumb.
"Neutral, I have never seen you in game, so cannot make a positive judgement" "No support, you are not active" "No support, I don't know you well enough" ps, you rlly shouldnt no support someone if you don't know the applicants because you cannot make an educated decision (unless if they r inactive)
If you're really unsure on how to judge an applicant without actually knowing them, read this thread here. I agree with Accepted, if you don't know an applicant whatsoever, don't even bother to write no support because you don't even know them, makes no sense to me.
If you don't know them, then isn't that enough to not support an applicant? In my opinion it is absolutely enough, and then again if you get to know the applicant more, you may even switch your opinion. Doesn't mean that if they wrote a no support their opinion is final. It can always change.
if u dont know the applicant could just be cus their inactive and even if it isnt its more than a valid reason. also u can always change ur opinion
This is true, however I’m saying if you come across an applicant for the first time, you should take time to get to know them before judging them as an applicant and as a person.
And thats why people use "No Support" or "Neutral" until they start getting to know them they usually change there response
its whatever, this has never been an issue so I don't know the problem of it. its literally not that important or else it would have been made a rule alonggggggggg time ago