This is my suggestion for a new rank! No, it doesn't cost any money, the way to get it is pretty unique, actually... You'll basically have to make 500 valid reports (meaning reports that have been accepted and the player reported has been punished) to get this rank. That's why it's called the Vigilante Rank after all! How the reports should be counted Whenever a moderator deems a report valid, they will click a button only they can access to bring the person's (who made the report) count of reports go up, and when they reach the number they need, they will get the Vigilante Rank! :rolleyes: The section that shows how many reports a person has made will be under the 'Post Ratings' section. What it will look like in-game The rank will be white with purple brackets, and it will be full for people who have made those reports but don't have a donor rank. But donors will simply have a white 'V' in purple brackets next to their prefix. Example What the rank will include It will have the perms of 'Premium', but with /feed added too, and a kit slightly better than 'Sponsor' but slightly worse than 'VIP', such as enchanted iron helmet and boots, and enchanted gold chestplate and leggings on Survival. EDIT: This is also a way to get people to make more reports! Thanks @Vanishment @RandomNinja14 EDIT: YOU WON'T GET THE PERKS IF YOU'RE TOO HIGH A RANK, ain't it obvious...? EDIT: Moderators won't get it, well duh, it ruins the whole point of the rank. ANOTHER EDIT: Thanks @kbbuster! So, there should be a command which will hide the rank in case a hacker knows what it means, because if they do know what it means, they will consider it a threat to themselves and turn their hacks off when around Vigilantes.
Thanks, Rodeen! Okay, I understand, I just think it'd be a nice addition. :p Oh, no, the EULA goes against Pay-To-Win, this is a rank you have to earn, not to pay for. :D
If it gets added, people who already have a higher rank are going to get downgraded or they decide if they want it?
Thanks! And I actually didn't think of that! I added that in there and thanked you for it. Yay, thanks! :> They should. Well, if you already have a rank that beats the perks I suggested, you get that V in purple brackets next to your prefix just for show, to show you're responsible and take care of the server. Because, obviously, you can't be given any of those perks... Thank you guys! :D I tried so hard not to double post I deleted what I said above and copy + pasted it on this reply as well as adding you replies in... :rolleyes: