Hello mineverse, Tired of the same old map on kitpvp2? For most kit players we only see the launch, the tower, and the water. The hills are barely climbed while /warp oldspawn is mainly used for trading. I'd personally like to see a new extension or a /warp nether to have a new map to pvp where its not always epearling back into the cave and getting away easy with ds3 boots. Im not sure but if I get enough support ill try and design a new pvp area for kitpvp2 With Perspective, Vit
Well first, this is suppose to be in suggestions @Scor @FearTheKlowns Anyway, I support. Although, the builders can easily just build a map.
the water is the worst part about the map imo move the spawn further back, and the hill along with it as well so we have more grassland or ofc just revamp the map
well ill spend more time on that part of MV and give you a good review and my critic of op pvp. Thanks for your time :D