We have had the end as out lobby for a long time now, a few months. I think it's time for change. Well, vote if you think having a new lobby is a good idea.
Maybe High in the sky and clouds below, in the overworld. And maybe different like planets surrounding the central "planet" which would be the lobby.
I want magical kittens flying over rainbows in the sky... But to be a bit of a critic, this current lobby isn't as miraculous as is seemed, when it was first realesed. It seems as it would be better for Hallows Eve, considering the theme of spawn point. The signs by lava portals, werenever noticeable from a distance, making it hard to find the right portal, and when you do find the proper portal, it takes a moment to set up, and send you into your desired dimension. That's why I want a new spawn with a more bright depth, with more noticeable signs (that means don't just use the sign block, build a massive sign out of blocks), and portals entitled to something completely different from the typical type, to fit with a non-generic, and original, theme. That way, we have a unique spawn compared to many of the bigger servers that happen to exceed us.
I actually have a map that I made themed off a solar system that would be cool as a lobby... I would have to touch it up a bit but it could work :P
They don't make it they get people to make it :P But Skyblock Noob made that as he is the creator of Skyblock.
Maybe bit more colors Than it is now and like planets in the sky that symbolise the different Gamemodes ;)