ok so i was thinking about something to add to kit pvp and I came with an idea. so basically u pay a certain amount of money (should be 5$ maximum) and for like 30 minutes everytime someone kill another player they will have 3$ (in game cash obvs) instead of 1$ and its not pay to win because every players on the server are going to have 3$ instead of 1$ and im pretty sure mojang would allow us to do that. it could also be a donor perk and it would work the same way but the higher rank u are the longest it will last and to not make it too overpowered we could only do it once a week.
No Support This is Pay To Win. Even though it is not as bad as a Donor Kit or something like that. People can still use it at special times of the day, when maybe not as many people are on. If it is a Donor Perk THAT IS 100% PAY TO WIN.
Support. This isn't pay2win as every player online receives the boost. Also if this was against the EULA and was p2w mineplex and other miningame servers would have been closed.
i understand that your not smart enough to understand that this is the best suggestion ever but if u really think this is pay 2 win u are definitely not the smartest one here
I don't quite understand your suggestion.. Are you suggesting that instead of receiving $1 when you kill a player that you receive $3?