On kitpvp2, as many of you are aware, there is one in game rank, called commander, which costs 500$. One kit doesn't seem like enough for me, I would like for more kits, with better items, to be added in, BUT, they are harder to get than it seems. My idea would be, once you buy commander, you get to upgrade, instead of buying it before commander. So its sort of like ranking up in prison or op prison. Look below for ideas. Commander 500$ Commander to Knight 500$ Knight to Sergeant 500$ Sergeant to Lieutenant 500$ I just thought of these ranks and prices quickly, so feel free to suggest more ranks or change the prices in the comments below. Also, suggest what should be included in the specific kits and how often you get to do them.
I do not think we should have all of the kits at 500. They should be harder to get to, making the game more fun and intense. Neutral.
Support i think that is a brilliant idea but every time it upgrades it gets 250$ bigger in price also please can you show or tell me what the kits are (how powerful to see if it is to good)