Hi moderators and players. This is NitroNinja (My nickname) speaking. I have just come up with a new game: CTP. (Capture the pig) The objective is to get the most captures in 1000 seconds. A pig spawns every 20 seconds. There will be 4 teams. 1 biome per team. Red= Volcano/mountain biome Blue = Ice/glacier biome green= Jungle biome Yellow = Desert biome. Every 2 minutes, something will happen in each biome. for example, Red = Volcano erupting. lava will splutter down the mountain. Blue = Icebergs are coming down a mountain to crush you. Green= A Giant Leopard is attacking the jungle Yellow = A giant cactus is blocking the enemies to steal your pigs. However, you can break the cactus by hitting it. Here is the shop kits. /kit Warrior = full leather, iron sword. Upgrades to /kit knight. /kit Knight = Full Chain, diamond sword. /kit Theif = Full leather, stone sword. Upgrades to /kit Ninja /kit Ninja = Full chain, diamond sword sharp 2. /kit Monk = Leather boots&chestplate, stick sharp 3. Upgrades to /kit Master /kit Master= chain chestplate & boots, stick sharp 5. /kit WhiteMage = full leather, Healing staff *stick.* Upgrades to /kti WhiteWizard. /kit WhiteWizard = full iron, healing staff /kit BlackMage = full leather, Magus Staff (shoots out fire, snowballs or lightning.) Upgrades to BlackWizard. /kit BlackWizard = full iron, Magus Staff MK2 (Shoots out more fire, more snowballs and more lightning.) KIT PRICES/UPGRADES WARRIOR - Starting kit. KNIGHT - 1250 coins. THEIF = 500 coins. NINJA= 1350 coins. MONK = 400 coins. MASTER - 1400 coins. WHITEMAGE= 600 coins. WHITEWIZARD= 1600 coins. BLACKMAGE = 575 coins. BLACKWIZARD = 1775 coins. Here is the coin chart. 1 kill= 2 coins. 1 capture = 5 coins. Enemy capture (Steal) = 10 coins. Win = 30 coins. Loss = 15 coins. I hope you like my ideas guys!! -NitroNinja