My exact in game name is: Flarey My purchased rank is/was: God My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is: The day the name changing things were allowed, I changed my old username name; flare_snuggles, to Flarey. Later that month, I was messaged that someone had token my old name and had gotten every single mcmmo on each server and had asked Cypriot, sadly... They got given God. I know the player who did it but I'm keeping them anonymous. However I have recently came back on to see the resets however, on factions I don't have God. I will be uploading proof // Screenshots shortly after I post this help thread. Evidence ie: screenshots and/or any helpful information: Uploading soon. Quick response: @Pile @Alma Thank you! ^_^
Emailing Cypriot at [email protected] is the only way to solve this issue. Please include if you can: Your exact IGN The server you are having the issue on Evidence of your rank Any details that may help Best of luck to you.