THIS WILL BE AN OPPVP AND KITPVP CLAN WITH ONLY THE BEST PVPERS! INTRODUCTION KS otherwise known as KILLING SQUAD will contain the best PvPers from OPPVP and KITPVP. We're an anonymous clan which means no one knows our main/original accounts. We currently have 3 members and 1 official account. What I mean by official account is when need to stay anonymous so we have accounts with no past names so no one can figure out who we are. You can all guess who we're but you're most likely wrong. What you guys need to tell me to be recruited 1. In game name. 2. CPS (clicks per second) 3. If you're able to record or not. 4. If you have ever hacked in the past. 5. Rate yourself out of 10 on how good you believe you're at PvP. 6. If you're able to use Skype. 7. How old you are. 8. What specified gender you are. 9. If you have ever been in a clan before. 10. If you have been in a clan what clan. If YOU QUALIFY If you have the specific needs to be in this clan I will contact you privately and we can talk from there on out. Thank You Thank you all for your time please do take this seriously and I hope it's YOU I will be recruiting!
1. BlackReaperPvP 2. 14.7 CPS (jitter) 3. I am able to record with high quality 4. No I have not. 5. 8.9 6. Yes I am able to 7. 16(17 in july) 8. Male 9. I have been in a clan 10. D3x