I'll get your banner done tonight. It takes a while to make them because I use Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop CS6 Ext, and Cinema4D.
I make mine in 30 min xD Why you use Illustrator? I can make one banner better whitout using Illustror :3
After the skin update my Rig was updated, so now it can only use updated skins or its not textured right.
What is your minecraft IGN? OfficallyUnknown Youtube Channel? Ferras Boubes What would you want your main text to be? Offically. Colors? Any Male/Female? Male A rating for my example work? 9/10
It didn't work it says the picture is too small If you are willing to fix it will you also change the skin to the one in my profile picture, heres a link. http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/5835329/derpy-turtle/ http://minecraft-skin-viewer.com/player/pawnbender Thanks