Hello. This isn't really a problem, but I just felt like getting help on this. For the past three (3) days, Dec. 1 - Dec. 3, I have voted each day, but I haven't appeared on the "Top Voters List". If you could help that would be great. Thanks!
To be in the top voters you should vote in these times each say Times To Vote:- FJT - 12am EDT - 11am AEST - 10am JST - 9am CST (China Standard Time) - 8am ICT - 7am KGT - 6am UZT - 5am GST - 4am EEST - 3am EET - 2am BST - 1am GMT - 12am CVT - 11pm WGST - 10pm WGT - 9pm EST - 8pm CST - 7pm MST - 6pm PST/PDT - 5pm AKST - 4pm HAST - 3pm SST - 2pm WAKT - 1pm
Not everyone who votes every day appears on the list. The first people to vote when it resets are the ones who are more likely to make it onto the list.