Hey, I need some challenge or prank ideas that I could do for my youtube. I made a obstacle course vid today for fun too-
I'm actually working on getting a good camera, and I use like 3 different apps on my phone to edit in different ways. Thanks for the feedback!
ItsSniiper, try parkour w/ a go pro. That is, if you belive you can do it. Not like on top of roof tops and stuff unless your a professional, but like use stuff located on the ground to do it.
You need to work on your disses :D I heard go pros mics aren't that good? Oh jeez.. all I know how to do is roll and the Kong vault , I'm working on the palm spin on the wall thing. Good idea ares, will get me views!!!
LOL HAHAHA how is it going go sexual o.o I'm not desperate & gun pulled LOL I love you maybe I will do that when I have millions of subs