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  • NarutoDx scam [Str][Tempbanned]

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by BigDave, Mar 13, 2016.

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    1. BigDave

      BigDave Experienced Member

      Oct 30, 2015
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      2016-03-13_17.26.49.png 2016-03-13_17.27.21.png 2016-03-13_17.27.30.png 2016-03-13_17.27.51.png 2016-03-13_17.28.16.png 2016-03-13_17.28.50.png 2016-03-13_17.29.37.png 2016-03-13_17.30.46.png 2016-03-13_17.30.48.png I am thethingwastaken.
      I got scammed 4 gunpowders, 64 levers, 4 redstone torches, 90 gold blocks, 5 wood logs, and 10 charcoal
      Scammer is NarutoDx
      As shown in the last 2 screens (and proved through continuation of chat msg) he left after I gave the items.
      I don't give a crap if he gets banned. I just want my items back because it's worth a ban for those items. He does not deserve to keep the items I gave him. Even if they were taken away somehow and not given back to me, that would be fine.
    2. StrKillr

      StrKillr Boss Member

      Jul 29, 2015
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      unfortunately we don't give back stuff for scamming issues. However you can try sending this report to Noobcrew and Cypriot sending an email to [email protected] Good luck.

      Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned.
      This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
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