I am thethingwastaken. I got scammed 4 gunpowders, 64 levers, 4 redstone torches, 90 gold blocks, 5 wood logs, and 10 charcoal Scammer is NarutoDx As shown in the last 2 screens (and proved through continuation of chat msg) he left after I gave the items. I don't give a crap if he gets banned. I just want my items back because it's worth a ban for those items. He does not deserve to keep the items I gave him. Even if they were taken away somehow and not given back to me, that would be fine.
unfortunately we don't give back stuff for scamming issues. However you can try sending this report to Noobcrew and Cypriot sending an email to [email protected] Good luck. Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.