Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Bananurz, Jun 24, 2016.
he is abusive
Ez Demote grsgfgfsgsg
Thank you for showing us the bad side of Nanurz,Nanurz.
i say we rid of him!
he abuses his skype permissions
Lets rid him of Mineverse
@Alma lmao rip u
oh how ironic
Nanurz's biggest secret revealed o.o
Nows your time to expose bana
Nanurz doesn't like Nanurz? ;-;
We finally know the Truth! :eek:
I blame all of that potassium :(
I blame the banana xD
Omg @Memeliodas would be so happy to see this day
@CypriotMerks !!
Am I the only one that thought Nanurz was a girl???