I recently changed my name from Thunderkill509 to PotatoSavior. The only servers this is affecting me on is Survival (Normal) and Creative. On Survival I have a few chests protected with my old name on them, So my new name (Same account) Can not open the chests. On Creative, I claimed my 4 plots (Supreme) and now they are claimed under my old name (Thunderkill509) So I no longer can do commands in them. Proof : https://namemc.com/s?PotatoSavior
Have you try to Contact CypriotMerks Or Noobcrew? If you havent start a conversation with someone of them hope this help!!
And this would be a big deal but the game sees me as Thunderkill509 but the server sees the plot owned by someone else, meaning I cant do commands, but some how the server still has me claiming the plots, So I cant do the commands, but I own the plot, AND I cant claim anymore because I still own my max.
Hmm, I will make you a different tip. Contact a moderator and ask them if they can contact the head mod and then maybe he can contact Cypriot. I am not sure if Cypriot would have time for this but you can try. The reason you should start with mod and move up is because I am guessing Cypriot doesn't have time to read every single post like this. If you need any further advice just start a conversation with me.
There are two ways you can fix this: Change your name back Email the [email protected] With: A private warp for survival Proof you're that person How to access your creative plot Closing & archiving.