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  • Name Change/Rank Error

    Discussion in 'Help' started by Infinite Nova, Feb 6, 2015.

    1. Infinite Nova

      Infinite Nova Active Member

      Aug 29, 2014
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      Dear Mineverse, I know it might be a tough one to figure this one out. But seriously? You should really get working on it, since we donated money to make this server BETTER. Either you give our ranks back, or refunds must happen. Because this is ridiculous. Fix it. That's all I...WE are saying. Please Cypriot/Noobcrew, we are in need of help here. And we expect you guys, the owner and co-owner of this server, to help us with this very big issue that is happening. There may be quite a lot of hate on this, saying, "They are working really hard to fix this issue! Jerk!". Well, if they were, they better come with a thread explain what is happening and what will happen, so everyone knows what will happen within the future, so nobody is stressing. But they haven't done that, so until then, I will keep my opinion on the issue. So please, Noobcrew and CypriotMerks, fix it.
    2. Clone

      Clone Experienced Member

      Feb 4, 2015
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      They're working on it, there are currently a lot of things to be dealt with and yes, this is high priority on the list. There is a thread I made in 'Help" for people who need to get their ranks back after changing their names, please post there and be patient, thank you for your concern.

      As per your request, here is what will happen: Our server currently works the old way, being that it recognizes names for most features of the server and is not as advanced as most others are in this field, many servers started a conversion process a long time ago to plan for this update(Name-> UUID), we have not currently done that and thus the server still saves your player file as a name, not a UUID. The issue will be fixed as soon as possible by TannerLittle, he is currently working on updating the server and fixing the bugs that come with it.
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