So as most of you know I've gotten a name change from FlamingHades12 to Insolar. When I did this I lost perms to my plot on Creative and chests on skygrid. Can a mod restore my perms or what else can I do?
@Bunny Or you can email [email protected] with proof of your original name and plots etc and they will restore your stuff.
1 Firstly, you change your name back to old name. 2 When you can change your name back, dispose your plots 3. Change your name 4. Quickly re claim your plots back, be careful as people can claim your disposes plots, but this is very, very unlikely. 5. Enjoy! Or, you could go to [email protected] although you should bump the email (Just reply to it) every week (give or take), then it will be likely that CypriotMerkz will listen to you, as he gets a lot of messages and can become very busy. If you happen to see Noobcrew or CypriotMerkz in-game or on forums, ask for help and they will be able to help you out.
Problem is Reborn, the name change thing would take about 2 months as the string of time between changes is 30 days.
When did you change your name? If it was last month, then just dispose the plot and quickly change your name. It won't take long if you already changed your name a month ago.' If you changed your name this month, you're going to have to email [email protected]
You'll have to change your name back and add your new account name to it. There's a lot of bugs with creative when it comes to the plot perms once you change your name.. Please keep this in mind.