Hello Mineverse Community. I'm currently looking for someone (trustworthy) to do a pretty good deal with me :') I'm looking for SOMEONE to buy ME the God to Titan upgrade. ( That's $150 USD) in exchange for - Mineverse Factions : $120,000 Full Set of P4 Unbr 3 With an Unbr 3 Sharp V Diamond sword. KitPvP : $5,000 3 Sets of P4 unbreaking 3 Diamond Armor + 2 Smite IV Sharp V's (+ misc enchants. - No knockback) < Very expensive 4 Super Golden Apples + 30 Regular Golden Apples << Supers are EXPENSIVE now. 10 Gold Blocks << Worth a ton + Growing in price daily . & My Eternal Gratitude. << Infinite Worth. Prison : $100,000 Set of Full P4 Diamond armor 3 Super Golden apples OpPVP - Everything you see here vvv Swords are sharp 25/30 only. Blaze rods are from kit titan/god & same with sticks If you're not interested , don't try to hassle me. If you'd consider the deal, please leave a remark about anything I should change or leave your feedback. Thanks a lot. -Dontchallengeme
I bet @DannyBoy6997 would do this deal..you can usually find him on prison he has bought a lot of people ranks and even bought 3 people titan. one is sebiathan
Just send him the link of the forum post ; if you don't mind. I'm not too sure he's a big fan of me.. but I think he'd still do the deal if he wanted the stoof bad enough.