I guess you can tell what I am doing from the title. I firstly want to apologize. I want to say that I am sorry to each and every one of you. I was a mess towards the end of my staff career here and I am sorry. My activity is horrible, I caused so much drama over my demotion. I hope no one thinks any less of me. I know I barely came back, and I am sorry for leaving again so soon. I know I have let y'all all down, and I cannot describe how sorry I am. I never meant to come back only to resign less than a month after coming back. I am so sorry for letting y'all down. I guess I should give a few of my reasons for my resignation: 1) School. School has been kicking my butt. It is my senior year, I should be focusing on friends and making memories but that isn't what I have been doing. I want to spend my last month having fun with my friends and then go off to college and start a life for myself. 2) Motivation. My motivation is gone. I know everyone has noticed. I don't get in-game anymore, I rarely do reports, etc. I feel like I am just staying because I don't want to let go. There are a few other reasons, but I don't want to list them here. I am deeply sorry for causing drama and everything else. I know I wasn't the best mod, especially towards the end. I honestly want to wish you all the best of luck. I wanna say a few things to some people: @Pile We have been through a lot. I regret my actions towards the end. I hope you can find it in you to forgive me. You are an amazing head moderator and you do amazing work. I wish you the best of luck @kinsey_kid Kinsey, I don't even know how to start. You have been there for me from day one, before I was even promoted. I still remember getting in teamspeak and speaking to you when nana commented on my app. You talked me through it, helped me. I always looked up to you. You are doing an amazing job and I hope you know that. @Alex We don't talk much, but I'll always remember blue ramen <3 @Clxrity Man, we had our issues but you were always there for me. Congrats on sr mod. You deserved it. I will miss you <3 @Exstatisfy You were my mentor and a friend. Taught me a lot. Thank you and I wish you the best of luck in life. @Janice999 You were always so positive and I love it. Always willing to help whenever I needed it. Never keep smiling <3 @Musezeta My last promo buddy. Sorry to leave you alone now. I will never forget those nights after the meeting where we would both forget about being in ts or we would just message about random things (no pun intended). Thank you for always being there for me. You even helped me pass chem. You are an amazing moderator and a pretty cool person. I hope we stay in touch. @Auzzi I love you and will miss you <3 @Mvxine I know you asked me not to resign and I am so sorry. I just can't do it anymore. You are an amazing moderator and you will do great things. I'm always here for you. @Ordi I'm still here for you too <3 I wanted you to be promoted, I knew you would do amazing and you have not let me down. Message to the staff: and honestly there is so much more I want to say to every single one of you, but there just isn't time. I am so sorry for how things ended. I wish I could take it back. I know there is no coming back from this, just know I cared for all of y'all and I wanted what was best for each of you and the server. Each and every one of you is amazing. Y'all are great mods and are doing great work on this server. Keep it up guys <3
Oh Random <3 Thank you so much. You're a wonderful person, I cant believe this is happening. I'm so pleased you came back to the team for a while, but I'm so sad to see you go. Keep on being the wonderful, loved person you are. Good luck in the future, my love <3
nonoono this can't be happening :( Thank you for everything you've done, Random. Not just that you were a hard working staff member, but you got me motivated on fulfilling my experience on the staff team. You were very helpful to me and the others, and it will be devastating to see you go. :(
D; omg no.. Thank you for everything you have done for this server Random. You have truly come a long way and done so much. I would like to wish you luck in school and hope you continue being amazing. Hopefully we can keep in touch and I wish you the best <3
I know we didn't talk much, but please know that I think very highly of you. You were a terrific Moderator and beyond that, a terrific person. We'll all miss you on the team, keep in touch! <3
I am speechless. :( Random.. thank you for your service.. you have helped so much to this community. It's sad to see you leave but I know it's the best for you. Good luck with the rest of senior year and good luck in college. You are awesome and always will be.. you will be missed and remembered in a good way! Luv ya keep in touch!! :L:grum::ah
I remember when we first started talking. You were a very wonderful person. You always were so respectful and mature to everyone. We had gotten into small fights, and I do apologize. I really wish you would have just have a people know that you would be inactive for a lil. Please DO REAPPLY.
D: Thank you for everything that you have done for this server, you have helped this community to much. You will be missed so much, and good luck with the rest of your senior year : (
omfg random :(( you did so good and were always there for me, best of luck to you in the future and stay in touch please
Random. If you think you let anyone of us down, you are highly wrong. When you first joined the forums I was so sure that you were going to be an amazing mod because of how kind and helpful you are to everyone and I was proven right. You don't have to apologise for losing interest in your mod duties, it's expected that you will. You almost lasted a year of committing to your mod duties which is a ton more of what others have achieved. You are going to be terribly missed by pretty much everyone except the salty haters with there opinions that are completely invalid. Please talk to me more <3
Random... Let's start from right at the beginning. The first time I saw you on forums, I just thought of you as a random (ironic, huh) person, and the next thing I knew, you had an application up and I immediately no supported because you didn't leave a great impression on me. Slowly, though, my opinion changed as time went by and you did spectacular work on this server. And when I was promoted, 31st October 2016, you literally welcomed me into the staff team with wide, open, randy arms. I knew at that point we should put apart our differences and work alongside each other, and talk to each other more. Even though you probably knew I didn't really like you that much initially, you still welcomed me and reached out to me, even though you weren't my mentor. You had no reason to, no monetary gains involved, no entertainment gains, etc. All I was back then was just this new Moderator, and yet you still helped me. That's something that I really can just go on forever. Thank you for that. I appreciate it so much. Recently, I know you were demoted, and re-promoted, and now you resigned. :( I have no idea what actually went down, but still, don't feel terrible. I know it's hard to just leave the staff team, and it's not overly selfish. I know. Random, thank you for your service here. If you want to talk, my forums convo is always open for you, and you can Skype me too.