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  • My Post Streak[1] and Skygrid Rant[2]

    Discussion in 'Rant Archive' started by GroceryStoreBrandChicken, May 23, 2018.


    Should Skygrid get updated so it's more inviting for players?

    Poll closed Jun 12, 2018.
    1. Yeah

    2. No

      0 vote(s)
    1. GroceryStoreBrandChicken

      GroceryStoreBrandChicken Active Member

      May 19, 2016
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      Okay, lol. I know Off-Topic was an option, but what's the fun if it fits well in Rants. Can anyone attempt to beat my Post Streak for 4 days? I challenge you to it, just don't spam, no one likes spammers.

      If you can beat me starting Thursday, you can um, treat yourself to a cookie! :D

      Also, I want to talk about Skygrid, what is the point of it if like no one plays it but a few people(like me cuz I got no life) and if 75% of life is dying on there just trying to navigate?
      I'm not going to put this in Discussion or Suggestions...yet. I might like to look into Skygrid a bit more before I criticize it into Discussions or even go as far as Suggesting change on it.

      Poll - Do you want Skygrid to get updated, or do you like traditional Skygrid?
    2. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Skygrid is mostly "dead" as some people like to call it because it is getting an upcoming reset, with this reset coming it doesn't really motivate players to want to play as it will just be useless, I say the sooner the reset happens, Skygrid will gain more players and motivation and so will the server in general.
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