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  • My Poems and Stories

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Silence, Jun 16, 2016.

    1. Silence

      Silence Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Superman Poem:

      With Fiery Eyes and Breath Of Frost
      He Saved the world, but at a cost
      The Man Of Steel's life is lost
      Will he return? No mortal can tell.
      But if the sun rises; Superman will as well.

      Joker Poem:

      With scarlet lips and grinning glare
      The Joker's hand is always there
      Psychotic Mind and not a care
      Who knows where the Clown Prince lairs?
      Chalk white skin and deep green hair
      He is one to give a scare
      Of the Joker, you must beware.

      Paragraph Of A Story:

      "Misery, poverty, and sickness. These things are what await us if we go to save the dwarven kind from the Morakai." At the word many of the men shivered
      involuntarily. "They are too strong! By know you all know that the darkness that has befallen the land is because of them, can you not see that by helping them we are
      only hastening our deaths?" Horan was a brave warrior, that I must give him, but I realized that even the noblest can make the wrong choices. At that moment I stepped
      out of the shadows and slowly strode to the market square. As people noticed me, all noise died down and all that could be heard was the noise of my shoes moving on
      the cobblestones. "Friends, surely you mean not to forsake our bretheren, surely you do not forget the many times they saved us with reward on their part? How could
      you even consider betraying the trust they have in us. They are our allies, they were our hope when times seemed dark and dreary. I say, we fight! Who is with me?"
      At first no one spoke, but then a firm "I will" could be heard in the crowd. The group parted so that to man could come through, and he turned out to be a strong,
      warrior with fair hair and two battle-axes tucked into his belt. When he stepped up onto the stage with me, it gave a boost of courage to everyone in the crowd and
      everyone gave a battle cry and ran to prepare themselves for the war. Well, almost everyone. Horan scowled and muttered "Fools, the lot of them," and stalked off.
      With him gone the square was empty besides me and the warrior and I knew I must thank him. He was getting ready to prepare for the war, but I managed to catch him
      and thank him for his efforts. He smirked and replied, "It wasn't for you. I have a cousin in the dwarven kind, and I would like to see him someday." With that,
      he strode away.

      Senate Resolution:

      By: -
      Resolution Number: 324
      Senate Resolution
      A resolution to change the rights of an inmate on death row. Inmates sentenced to death for committing a capital crime shall be forced to give their major organs to the National Transplant Center once dead.
      Whereas, the number of people who die from the fact that they are unable, because of the shortage of major organs, to receive an implant is quite high, and
      Whereas, currently inmates are simply being buried, with this change we could harvest their major organs, fix their bodies and make them presentable, then give them back to their familes for a proper burial, and
      Whereas, the United States Government is urged to enact legislation that puts this suggestion into practice, so that the number of people who die from being unable to get an organ transplant goes down, and
      Whereas, some people might question the constitutionality of this resolution, such as saying that it takes away inmates rights, but these inmates are sentenced to die anyway, and so by putting this change into practice, we could save people who desperately need organ transplants, but are almost certainly not going to get one, and
      Whereas, the United States Government has recognized the fact that more than twenty people die every day from being unable to get a major organ transplant, and as this could be regarded as a significient loss of United States citizens who could have been saved, Now, Therefore,
      Be It Resolved By The Senate Of The United States:
      That all prisoners in the United States who are sentenced to death for committing a capital crime be forced to give their major organs to the National Transplant Center once they are dead. The Senate is sincerely urged to accept this piece of legislature, and to make it a practice in the United States Of America.

      Dear Doctor John,
      I must say you have given me quite the chase. Your evasion skills are really something to brag about; but I have found you. It has taken me 13 years and over a million dollars, but I have found you. You might be looking out your windows and checking your closet right now but don't bother checking anywhere else. No matter where you are I am watching you.
      Now on to the part which you are probably wondering about. What will happen next? Well, I could have done anything I wanted to you at any time, but I am not a monster, I simply want the cure. If you will give it to me I promise to leave you alone. If not, well I think we both know what will happen then.
      The clock is ticking Doctor John, I will give you till the end of the day to make your choice, and if common sense prevails, I expect to see the cure on your front doorstep. And Doctor, if you try running away I will have the Marksman, yes the real one, shoot you after exactly 15 minutes of your intended escape.
      Till tomorrow Doctor John.
      Respectfully Yours,
      Baron Eindburg

      Star Wars Fan Fiction:
      Morkus Fletch looked over the hundreds of species isolated in their cells. This was it. Any minute now Darth Draven's figure would be seen on the hologram giving the command to start the mediclorian removal process. It all sounded like an exciting project when he had first been asked to join the project, but the part about the subjects dying had convienently been left out. "At least, it's them in there and not me he thought." Luckily, Draven had been unable to detect the slight aura of the force that surrounded Morkus, for if he had, Morkus knew exactly where he would be right now; inside the same cells the other experiment subjects were. Morkus shivered at the thought.
      At that very moment, instead of the hologram activating, Draven himself entered the lab, terrifying everyone in there. Morkus was the first to speak,"What are you doing here my lord? Were you not going to the Teriachi' system to find the ancient Sith temple built by the Yuhachu species?" Draven stared at him, considering killing the reckless scientist for his boldness, but then dismissed the idea when realizing that he needed each and every expert there. "It is none of your concern where I go and what I do there, but is everything ready and working well?" "Yes my lord," stuttered one of the scientists, "All the machines and test subjects are sufficient for the project, and we are ready to start."
      "The what are you waiting for? Begin!" At the last word the wretches, fearing punishment, ran as fast as they could to their posts and prepared to start the transfer. Unlike the others, for they did not know the subjects would die, Morkus took no haste in getting to his post, and dreaded starting. Morkus knew he could not stall forever, and after saying a quick prayer to Abagga', pressed the initiation button.
      At the press of the button hundreds of needles shot out of tubes all over the facility, and plunged deep into the subjects skin. Blood began to be sucked out of their bodies, and most thought it would end quickly, but it never stopped. Soon the screams began, as Morkus knew they would, and many began thrashing around their cells, desperately trying to get rid of the pain. Morkus saw scientists trying as hard as they could to stop the process, but knew that once it started they would never be able to stop it.
      The whole event was watched by Darth Draven from his room high over the lab, and unlike all the other people, he sat fascinated, finding the grimaces and screams to be enjoyable. At last, as he sat motionless, the noise stopped, and the bodies started to fall, their blood run out and their lives over. Draven, pleased at the success of the project, for he had gallons and gallons of blood, all full of mediclorians, walked into the lab, humming his favorite tune.
      The scientists arose as Draven entered the room, and seeing the project was over, almost cried with relief, finally, after all this hard work they could go back to their families and try to forget the horrors that occurred here. Morkus almost ran out of the room at that very moment, but was surprised to find a number of guards were stationed at all the exits. "Excellent, excellent, excellent," said Draven, "I appreciate your hard work and dedication to the project." At that moment many of the scientists started to walk out, only to be stopped by the guards. "Now let us repeat the experiment" said Draven, and strode out of the room.
    2. Silence

      Silence Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Some stuff I have done this year. I am considering saving them, but don't know if they are good enough to be worthy of taking residence in my portfolio. Are they any good?
    3. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      I think they are pretty good. Especially the Joker one.
    4. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      So much to read :o
    5. Silence

      Silence Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Thanks. I thought that one was pretty corny.
    6. WinterWaffles

      WinterWaffles Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Nice works, I liked the fanfiction :P

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