No support, reasons are said. There's honesty no reason for you to be disliking things that are not even towards you. You're very immature and you joined the forums just to put a no support on my app and many other apps even if they're good. I won't change my mind.
But a person could make up any reason for disliking any posts. I'm not going to go off topic anymore, leave a message on my wall if you want to discuss further.
I said that? I don't really care now because now I'm saying she can dislike peoples posts, but it just shows immaturity
No support sorry but to improve try doing some of the following: - Becoming an "Active member" on the forums - Posting more and getting to know the forums a little better - Adding more to the "Why I should become a moderator" section - Try formatting your application a little differently aswell Good luck!
No support - I dont see you on the forums - You have not used the format properly - I cannot read what you are saying in the Application If you can improve this Application I'm sure you will have better chances of becoming a moderator. Good Luck -Gabe
Sorry no support. - Copy the format - Space out your app - Get to know the community - be more active in-game and on forums
To be honest, it's not really rate abuse if she truly disliked the posts. Anyway, no support. You clearly do not know the rules.
Yeah but on here she basically dislikes posts that do not support her. My post was a kind, full post, including suggestions and encouragement and it was still thrown into the pool of posts that she disliked.
No Support -Better to write the questions in your moderator application so people do not have to move back and forth. -Screenshots? What about videos. -"You do not have a temper. When your ban you are nice" These are reasons why but do more in depth. Good luck.
No Support: A lot more detail could be added. Follow the template in the way it is set out. (Copy @ Paste it). Improve activity. Make the application look nice, it isn't a race, you should take your time with the application! You need to be able to record, it is a non-negotiable. Good luck