No support for... wow, ur still watching the topic? Let's be honest, I think we've downed u enough, u know the reasons now. U've even been mentioned somewhere else with ur app. So we can now safely say we don't need even more disagrees. If u take ur time and spend it right, we'll see ya back in a year or 2 with a better one. I btw don't care about anything I just written because I know u probbly don't either.
Support! Just kidding, Id never support you cause. 1. You hack 2. The lack of detail and effort that has been put into your mod report 3. You have been mean to other players and i'm starting to thing when you said "because I played on this server a lot ad I have played on it for a long time and I have mod exxperice" was just a lie. And you spelled experience wrong 4. Bad grammar 5. The profanity used against other players is horrible and shouldn't be used against other players 6. If you want mod your gonna need to apply on another server cause this isn't enough stuff. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but you just aren't the right person to be a mod and even if you were a mod you would probably use your ability's against the rules.
No support.! - Stop hacking - Put some actual details in. - Stop being disrespectful. - Be more active on forums. - Be more active on e servers you want to fantasise about being mod on.
No Support, - You're not active - You're not helpful - You have hacked on both servers recently - Not enough detail Cheers, ~Karate