So I'm already Active Member but I never posted an intro so here I go! (You can say late welcome xD) So heres a ''little bit'' about me I'm 10 years old I can be VERY, VERY hyper I'm really weird I'm hated at my school I'm fun to play with I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Abstract. I like to be bad and get banned for some reason I like to sign and dance to any song You can send me a song and I'll like it I have many forum friends (@_Optifinee @Wolfie @Auzzi @Levis @TheEnderSlime @Teddy and more) I am mostly hated on minecraft I can be found on Skywars and Creative (Sometimes OP facs, OP prison, and Prison) I'm one of those people who would go around poking people I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Nightcore as well I have a cousin that gets baby sat at my house who kills me xD Thats all you really need to know. PM me if you have any questions