Hey I am Wolf_X_FusionsZ Brother. I use his forums account because im to young to make my own.. My Brother Got me God and for some reason it only went through on Survival. I have proof right here http://prntscr.com/9frzl7 Please help
@Janice999 @TannerLittle @Diggy @AgentWifi @Alex @AthleticPsycho @BlackZone514 @canucksfan44 @CypriotMerks @Dewster @Emily_x @fryzigg @Imperial_Mint @MaxNinja10 @MrPronounce @Nanurz @Nightfire @Nimjam @Noobcrew @PayUp @Scorvix @TADS4 @tin15cro @ZeldaNinja
Sending an email to [email protected] following the below template is the quickest possible way to get this problem fixed. You will probably not get an immediate response, so just send an email with the same message once a week. Another possibility is to contact the admins here on the forums, or find them in game. But both of those will take longer or have a small chance of happening. Template 1. In-game name: 2. Problem: 3. Evidence of having the rank 4. Evidence of not having the rank Hope everything turns out well for you. Locking and Archiving. -Scorvix