Hey Guys I just want to start off by saying that This will be the end off me on Mineverse. It is sad because I didnt do anything wrong and I dont know why I am banned. I am completely innocent and I know I am. I was banned for Scamming when I never did. All I want to say is that its going to be hard to leave this amazing server. I would like to be un-banned but I thinks it better to be banned because ..... its had to say but,..... I got Hacked. Yes I know thats its rough but i will be back one day. It started when Trogan horse( a virus) which was controlled by hackers caught me. I dont know why me but it did. Laura un-ban me plz so I can see if my money is gone but I'll tell you if you should keep me banned. Soo.. to wrap it up, I'll be back one day. I love evvery1 who meet me on this server and has been a great pleasure ;) <3 Romarcadette LOVE U ALL
Did you only get banned on one server? Or lobby? Also, what server is it? But you wouldn't be banned for nothing. A moderator wouldn't do that.
Factions I was banned for scamming but I never scammed. Thats why the guy who hacked me scammed and got me banned
He Didnt scam Me. He hacked me, went on my account and auctioned a fake item. I got banned when I tried to go on factions
Just make a ban appeal to the moderator who banned you. There's no need to get all dramatic for an answer so simple, you know.
@New Atlus Do you get it??? If i Login on ur account and Get u banned and I know your password, wouldn't you be freaking out? Dont worry I dont hack
Noo, don't leave us :( Just be honest in an appeal and everything will be okay. *Insensitive blueberry activate* Are you going to use that overpowered armor on factions?
This isn't the first time you've said that you will leave Mineverse. I don't believe you are going to leave, and I don't believe you got hacked. Discofrog is a troll and can't possibly hack your account because Mojang has already patched the heartbleed exploit.
Spoiler I don't think he should be unbanned but bye for now :3 Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.
Hold up, do you know about a Trogan virus? That can access your passwords and email addresses. That's how they get into your account so you should look it up. And Daniel9757 shut up no one was talking to you
Just change your password and email and you'll be good scan your computer and uninstall any viruses oh stuff you don't know about